Stratton Design Group

Premier Interior Designers in Asheville, NC

At Stratton Design Group, we don’t just put beautiful things in your space.
We make your space beautiful.

A beautiful, functional design comes together at the crossroads of gorgeous pieces, thoughtful features, and an understanding of how an area will be used—and finding the right formula for your space requires an expert eye.

The designers at Stratton Design Group have years of combined experience and an unparalleled artistic intuition for building and designing environments that meet your day-to-day needs without compromising on beauty. With thoughtful attention to every detail, Douglas Stratton and his team can bring your space to life with a passion for creative design, a lot of hard work, and a commitment to ensuring you fall in love the moment you walk through the doors.

Our work speaks for itself. Take a look at our portfolio and contact us today to learn more to get started on designing your dream space.

Portrait of Doug Stratton and his daughter smiling
Doug Stratton, Principal Designer

It’s more than simply placing the right furniture and accents