How to Design Your Home Office

In the days before Covid-19 swept the world, the country, North Carolina and, yes, Asheville, our interior designers would often be called on to create home offices that reflect the client’s needs as well as their individual style. Finding just the right combination of colors, furnishings, artwork and lighting takes time. 

When the pandemic brought a sudden halt to so many of our daily activities, many – including the staff at our interior design firm in Asheville – began working from home – whether there was a home office set up or not. That means countless Americans had to set up a home office overnight. And many are still working wherever they dumped the computer their employer sent them home with. 

It may be hard to find time for yourself with the whole family at home. We understand – the kids need help keeping up with their schoolwork and everyone seems to think because you’re home, you’re available. But taking the time to properly set up a home office or work space will be worth the time and could mean the difference between working from home and being home trying to work.

Home Office Design Tips

There are so many distractions to contend with both inside and outside of your home. (Yes, your comfy couch counts as a distraction!) “If possible find a work space where you are less likely to be interrupted or distracted by family members, the news on TV or the pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink,” is the advice of the interior designers at Asheville’s Stratton Design Group.  

Lighting is essential. If you are ending each day with a headache or if you notice your eyes are tired and burning, it could be because you don’t have appropriate lighting. Asheville interior designer Douglas Stratton has extensive experience in lighting design that stretches back to his work with the film and television industry. When it comes to working from home, he says the most important thing you need to do is make sure you position your computer so that there won’t be a glare from a window or overhead light.  

If you have questions about your home work space, let us know. Like you, we’re working from our homes in Asheville and our interior designers would love to help if they can.