Do Interior Designers Need Left or Right Brain Skills?

If you want to be an accountant, you’ll need the skills usually associated with what are known as left-brain thinkers. If you want to excel in the arts, on the other hand, you’ll probably go farther if you have strengths associated with the right brain.  When it comes to successful Asheville interior designers, however, both the left and right brain are called into play. 

In other words, it takes someone special to truly special to be rated among Asheville’s best interior designers, someone like Doug Stratton who can wrap his mind around the technical aspects of designing spaces that work well while also elevate making interior decorating and lighting an art form. 

Left or Right Brain 

According to Medical News Today, left-brained people are usually considered to be more:

  • analytical
  • logical
  • detail- and fact-oriented
  • numerical
  • likely to think in words


Right-brained people, on the other hand, they say are often described as:

  • creative
  • free-thinking
  • able to see the big picture
  • intuitive
  • likely to visualize more than think in words


Putting It All Together

As the University of California-Los Angeles Extension says, “An interior designer has the power to step into a drab space and transform it into something beautiful.” Among the top skills they say you’ll need to be successful as an interior designer are:

  • Creativity. “At its core, interior design is a creative profession,” the UCLA Extension says. “In the interior design field creativity is born from understanding the rules and knowing when to apply them—and when to break them.”
  • Critical Thinking. “As much as you need your creative juices flowing, you will also need sharp critical thinking skills. You may have a particularly challenging space or a client with a specific set of needs—whatever the issue, your critical thinking skills will help solve it.”
  • Spatial Awareness. “Making a beautiful, useful space includes ensuring that the flow of movement through the space works and that the space is used efficiently. Your keen sense of spatial awareness will help you achieve these objectives,” they explain.


If you’re looking for an innovative and respected interior design firm in Asheville that can put it all please together to transform your home, please consider the skilled interior designers at the Asheville-based Stratton Design Group at 828-505-9500.