Has the Pandemic Impacted Interior Design Trends?

After spending (so much!) time at home during the pandemic, you may be ready for a fresh look at home. You are probably also ready for a night on the town, a family vacation, a party and a whole lot of other things, bur for now, let’s focus on the interior design of your Asheville home

Leading Asheville interior designer Doug Stratton has been keeping his finger on the pulse of the design industry while at home during the pandemic. Along with other leading voices in the field of interior design, he has made note of some emerging – and some waning – trends. 

The pandemic has profoundly impacted the way we interact with our homes, so it makes perfect sense that it would influence our approach to interior design. 

The “Granny Chic” Trend Is on the Rise

“Granny Chic” also referred to as “Grandmillennial” style promises to be one of the hottest trends in interior design as we emerge from the pandemic. 

Think about it – while Covid-19 tore through our communities, our homes became not only our offices and our classrooms, they became our refuge from the frightening threat of a deadly global pandemic. 

Now, when you think of a refuge, do you think of the all-white minimalist interiors that have been popular in certain circles in recent years? Probably not. 

A refuge should offer the comfort of your grandmother’s warm hug and her welcoming home. Put a modern twist on the homey look and feel of grandma’s house and you have the basis of the style dubbed “granny chic.” Think comfy, think cozy and think vintage. 

For years, grandmothers across the country have been unable to interest the next generation in the good china dinner set and family silver. That could be changing. After all, if you can’t be with your family due to a pandemic, what better way to feel connected than through a china cabinet full of family heirlooms.   

If you are ready to give your Asheville home an interior design refresh, contact the innovative interior design team at Stratton Design and Lighting Group.