Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2022

Once again, the color experts at Pantone have introduced their official Color of the Year. Their choice has inspired a number of conversations among the Asheville interior designers at the Stratton Design Group

We have nothing against the color, it’s a vibrant shade of periwinkle that Pantone has dubbed Very Peri (wouldn’t you love to know what the other options for the name were?!) What has the interior design pros at our Asheville design group talking is the background info on the color released that Pantone released, which reflects their decision-making process. 

The Power of Color

What is able to animate your creative spirit, rekindle gratitude for some of the qualities that blue represents and symbolize the global zeitgeist of the moment?

That’s right, according to Pantone’s people those are just a few of the things that Very Peri can do for you in 2022. Color is, of course, an essential element of interior design, But that’s a lot of responsibility to place on the shoulders of a single color. 

But if any color is up to the job it just might be Very Peri. Among the many descriptive words and phrases attributed to Very Peri by Pantone’s staff are: 

  • Evocative of new modernity
  • Playful freshness
  • Versatile
  • Happiest and warmest of all the blue hues
  • Suggestive of personal inventiveness and daring imagination
  • Inquisitive and intriguing 
  • An empowering mix of newness.


“As we move into a world of unprecedented change, the selection of PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri brings a novel perspective and vision of the trusted and beloved blue color family,” Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, said in a statement. “Encompassing the qualities of the blues, yet at the same time possessing a violet-red undertone, PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri displays a spritely, joyous attitude and dynamic presence that encourages courageous creativity and imaginative expression.”

If Very Peri has captured your imagination or you would like to discuss the color choices for your redecorating project, we hope you will contact the interior designers at Asheville’s Stratton Lighting and Design Group.